A few years back OnePlus emerged as a competition to Apple. Now as Nothing announced its wireless earbuds, the predictions are made that Nothing will take a huge market from Apple. It seems like whenever Carl Pei forms a company he wants to challenge Apple and offer rich experience at a cheaper rate. Now his new startup based in London named as ‘Nothing’ is trying to develop a network of connected devices through an application. On Tuesday, Nothing announced its first product, Nothing Ear 1.
Wireless earphones have captured a huge market in past years. The sales of wireless earphones has gone up to 233 million in 2020 and is expected to go over 300 million by the end of 2021. Apple holds the largest piece of the market followed by its competitors Samsung and Xiaomi.
“We saw that the true wireless market was growing pretty quickly this year. It felt like a place where we could make a difference.” Pie said.
Ear 1 is completely wireless and comes with an active noise cancellation providing an alternative for AirPods Pro. No? Well the mid range of Apple earphones is around $249 whereas Ear 1 is just priced at $99. So if price is your deciding factor, Apple just lost by a huge margin.
For start, Nothing auctioned the 100 limited-edition variants of the Ear 1 on the StockX marketplace where one unit was sold for an amount of $1,029. Speaking of money, Nothing has captured over $20 million from investors including Alphabet’s GV, Tony Fadell and Casey Neistat. In terms of money, Nothing stands in a good condition for now.
What Makes Nothing Ear 1 Different?
Nothing’s Ear 1 unlike other earbuds show the magnets which connect it to the case. These are normally hidden but surely that is the one of the many things people will try Ear 1 for.
The Ear 1 earbuds comes in a transparent case with a shape making easier for the user to hold it. Each bud Carrie’s weight of 4.7 grams.
Before moving on to the next feature, do you remember the last time you had your earphones and you checked for ‘L’ and ‘R’ to make sure which one should go in which of your ears? In Nothing’s Ear 1 the concept has changed entirely as the earbuds do not have a usual ‘L’ or ‘R’ to indicate left or right but instead the pair has a red dot and a white dot to differentiate.
Nothing claims that Ear 1 can play music for 5.7 hours straight without making the user to bother for a charge time. It can also stay after a single charge till 34 hours with its case making an edge over Apple’s AirPods Pro.
The Ear 1 product comes with three separate mics two of them being used to collect ambient noises. The third one is used to focus on the voice. Nothing claims to use machine learning to avoid various background disturbances in the voice.
Ear 1 is linked with the application which provides four different equaliser settings and three noise cancellation modes.
Nothing said that a small amount of units will first be shipped on July 31 followed by the start of sale in Britain from August 17. With all these amazing features at a low price Nothing is not just challenging Apple’s AirPods but it can also emerge as a threat to Samsung and Xiaomi in the near future. Well it will not hurt us if ‘Nothing changes everything’ in the coming time.