Procrastination: Why does it happen and how to overcome?


Have you ever deliberately delayed an important work and focused on other tasks? Do you feel guilty about pushing your work to the last minute? Well, if this relaxes you, you are not alone in this. Delaying a task is often quoted as “laziness” in Indian households and we grew up to believe it. But, the actual term for delaying a particular task deliberately is known as “Procrastination”. To clear up the confusion on laziness and procrastination, let us take an example.

I sat down to complete this article at 4 p.m. but ended up starting the work at 7 p.m. Now, was I lazy or procrastinating in this situation. How will one know?

Laziness: If I would have wasted the three hours just lying on the couch, daydreaming, or scrolling Instagram. I’m a lazy person.

Procrastination: If I would have got other work done in the meantime for 3 hrs, it would mean I was “procrastinating.”

In my case, in those 3 hours, I made myself a coffee to be productive, replied to my emails, read a bit for a task I was supposed to do tomorrow, and made an outline for it. So, I was procrastinating all the time and just could not get myself to complete this article but did everything else. In more clear terms, procrastination is the act of delaying a task that must be done, just because one finds it boring and works on other stuff just to push it.

Now that we know what it is, why do we actually procrastinate or who procrastinates? Studies reveal we procrastinate because 

  1. Fear of failure
  2. People who find the task unpleasant and boring.
  3. People with little self-control
  4. Lack of motivation
  5. If there is time for the deadline

Repeated procrastination can sometimes lead to severe situations like a job loss or decline in grades. Procrastination can also increase a person’s anxiety, stress, and poor performance. However, there are ways through which we can overcome this. Some of the simple yet effective ways are:

The above points are almost a step-by-step process guide that will help you stop procrastinating. Procrastination is not something you can avoid completely, but you can strive to overcome it. Implementing these steps or any other and succeeding will not happen overnight. Leave your previous guilt for failing behind and have patience, work hard, be true to yourself and you will arise from the trouble of procrastinating.

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