Students and the Pandemic; Unheard Cries


The Covid-19 Pandemic created a lot of disruption over all sectors. While the country is battling towards the coronavirus pandemic, the students are left in complete agony and in sheer bleakness about their future. 

Since we know that all the schools and colleges are closed for a very long time, the students have no option but to continue with their studies at home, virtually. This has also led to the root cause of a lot of problems. 

The students being at home everyday might make them short-tempered. They cannot pursue their education at home. Attention to online classes becomes very less because of family commitments as well. 

Since we know that not every family encourages or has the environment for a student to study and focus, there’s a huge toll on their mental health. Studies suggest that a lot of households have an abusive environment, which creates an element of disturbance in a child’s mind. 

Mental Health, it’s one of the biggest concerns that has taken a huge hike in the Pandemic. Everyone we knew had been facing mental health issues, even students. 

For a holistic development of the child, it is necessary for him to interact with his peers and also necessary to go out and play outdoor games but all of this isn’t happening and students are more attached to their mobile phones now. 

The Pandemic has also made students less expressive. One of the main reasons being that now there’s no interaction with their peers outside so they are gaining a sense of habit where they prefer staying isolated in their own company. 

Covid-19 changed the education system forever. Rise of e-learning and teachers teaching in a remote platform has distinctively affected the education system. The students are not being able to learn enough on an online platform because of varied reasons ranging from low bandwidth, online methods. There’s no proper environment available at home for them to focus on their studies. 

Apart from all this, the career of the students is highly affected. Students at the college level having to pursue their degree online is one of the most grave setbacks. The exposure, opportunities are very less. After graduation, the students are clueless about what to do next.

Placement opportunities are also less around due to which students cannot pursue their career. Students who wanted to apply to international universities also may not, which gave a huge tension to them. 

Thus, all of this created a huge bleak in the minds of students. The only thing the students need now is patience so that they look after their mental health and that of the others. 

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