You will be amazed to hear that the centre of our galaxy tastes like Raspberries. Yes, I know what you all are thinking, but no kidding! The heart of our galaxy tastes like Raspberries and even smells like rum. Some years ago astronomers made a huge discovery by examining the centre of the ‘Milky Way’ galaxy.
By space, we all assume that it’s an empty place but scientists claim that there are often lots of substances even in between the space of stars. There stuff like molecules or dust that are condensed in the atmospheres. Scientists study dust as in not only the matter of dust but also the objects that contain the dust. Astronomers examine the chemical makeup of objects even light years away in space.
In 2009 scientists discovered a huge cloud of gas and dust known as Sagittarius B2 close to the centre of the galaxy. This cloud is incredibly heavy and is said to be three million times the mass of our sun. It’s so large that it would take 150 years to travel from one side to another at the speed of light. Over the past few years, scientists are studying the composition of the cloud filled with dust and gas.
They discovered that the main composition of the cloud is of a chemical named ethyl formate. This chemical compound, ethyl formate, gives the sharp taste of raspberries. It’s done under a process called Spectroscopy. It is a dust molecule we can see under radio telescopes because the molecules absorb radiation from surrounding stars and re-radiate them in radio wavelength. Scientists say that the taste of space all comes down to dust. This is one of the largest molecules to be ever found in space. These chemical compound is building block of amino acid, which is also referred to as the building block of life, as we all know. It’s a gigantic cloud, so even if u go in one part of the cloud and try to smell or taste it, you won’t feel a thing. This cloud also contains enough ethyl alcohol to give the smell of rum. But unlike other alcohol, it’s not drinkable because it contains a cosmic cocktail of complex molecules.
A Japanese tea company, space tea made a tea composed of ethyl format for the people, if they ever wanted to taste or smell space what an astronaut does. Space is insane and immeasurable. According to Big Bang Theory, this whole thing just started with one tiny particle. That little particle exploded back over 13 million years ago and it expanded from then to now and it’s getting bigger and bigger every day.