Many of us don’t know exactly, What hemp means? Making it Clear, Cannabis with a high amount of THC Content that has Psychoactive element is Called Marijuana or Weed.
Cannabis with a high amount of CBD Content which doesn’t give you any HIGH, and reduce psychoactive symbols are called Hemp.
Consumption of marijuana is illegal in India. Even though many countries are making this legal because of its medical benefits, India has slowly started research on Marijuana and started developing medicines to treat cancer, Epilepsy, and Sickle-cell Anemia.
Ratan Tata backed up Cannabis research startup and CSIR’s IIM tied up with Tata Memorial Hospital to conduct research medical drugs in 2018. After a few months, recently medical clinic cannabis opened in Koramangala, Banglore on Feb1st, 2020.
Marijuana is useful for Medical purposes whereas Hemp has both the benefits for medical and Industrial purposes. Yes, the plant makes a huge economy in the country if all goes well. This is one of the fastest-growing plants and it can be refined into many commercial items like paper, textiles, clothing, painting, food, fuel, and Animal feed.
Many countries are generating huge income with the Hemp. Students have researched about the Hemp and found its a trillion-dollar economy.
In 2018, the government has legalized the production of Hemp in Uttarakhand for Medical and Industrial purposes. Hemp doesn’t require a lot of water and proper care to grow. It provides high yield which is used as a raw material in the clothing industry.
There are few startup companies that are making good use of it for providing body lotions, Shower gels, Hemp-based oils, textiles, etc., Some of them are;
1. BOHECO (Bombay Hemp Company) :

This is the topmost startup in India which provides textiles, health, and Nutritional products. One of the founders has given a TEDx talk in which he explained briefly about the plant. This company also provides its products on its own e-commerce website.
2. Hempsters

First Hemp-Based body care brand situated in Balanagar, Hyderabad. It is a Cosmetic shop that offers skincare products like Shower gels, soap bars, and Body Lotions.
Startups named Namrata Hemp Company, Health Horizons also provides beauty care products, and Greenjams in Vizag has created hempcrete where concrete is made up of the palnt.
Uttarpradesh is also allowed for the cultivation of the plant after Uttarakhand. China is the largest producer of the plant, so we are in the race to build our economy strong in the coming days.