Here are the foods that can boost up your memory power

memory power

We all suffer from memory problems these days. Tired of forgetting the notes which u need to memorize for the exams? I have some natural solutions for you. Here are the top foods which will help you enhance your memory power.  

Fatty Fish: Fatty fish tops the list whenever people talk about brain foods. Fatty fish includes albacore tuna, salmon, trout, herring sardines which are all rich in omega-3 fatty acids. 60℅ of our brain is made up of fat and half of it comprises fatty acids, omega-3. Eating fish has a positive effect on our health. Research even says people who eat fish regularly have more grey matter in their brains. That grey matter contains most of the nerve cells which control decision-making, memory, and emotions. 

Nuts and seeds: Pumpkin seeds are filled with zinc, which plays a big role in sharpening memory. Brain-shaped walnuts are filled with omega-3. Sunflower seeds are also good sources of vitamin E. You can just sprinkle a little of it on top of your salad for boosting your brain. Even you can have peanuts which are rich in vitamin E. Hazelnuts and almonds are also considered memory boosters. Avocados are also rich in vitamin E and considered healthy for the brain. Creamy avocados can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s

Tomatoes: They are rich in lycopene which works against brain cell degradation and works as aids in the production and maintenance of new brain cells. 

Berries: Blueberries are brain-boosting antioxidants also called anthocyanins. Eating blueberries regularly can help you fight memory loss issues. Strawberries can help to delay the time of your age-related memory decline. 

Dark Chocolate: We all know dark chocolate is rich in cocoa, also known as cacao. Cacao contains flavonoids which are a type of antioxidant which are important for brain health. A 2018 study says dark chocolate has brain-boosting effects. Researchers observed after human beings ate dark chocolates with at least 70% cacao. They concluded it may improve brain plasticity, which is a crucial factor for learning, it may also provide other brain-related benefits. 

Last but not the least, one more thing is important for brainpower. Exercise every day. It not only benefits you physically but mentally a lot more than you know. And also maintain a healthy routine. Maintaining a healthy routine will help you bring balance to everything in life. 

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