One problem till it gets solved. One problem at a time. 2020 has shown us so many problems, so much negativity around us. Have we solved anything in reality?
- Goa is dying! Make a video, post it on social media, get views and followers, forget the issue.
- SSR death case! Make a video on mental health, post it, make fun of your friend.
- COVID-19 second wave! Make a video, post it, go out and shop.
- PM care funds fraud! Make a video, post it, let them eat more.
- Women raped! Ignore one case, highlight another with the community, get attention, forget the issue.
- Pollution rise in Delhi, Kill the forest in the west, make a video, get followers, forget the issue.
One season of IPL has made us forget all the issues that have to be faced and shared. People used to fight for every issue until they get a solution in earlier days but our generation has limited their fights to Instagram and other social media platforms.
A 24-year-old guy who has the guts to get a change in society is crying for years as his girlfriend left him. Where Bhagat Singh has sacrificed his life for his country at that age.
Social media has been negatively influencing youngsters. Social media made us chat with unknown persons and left alone beside one’s. A relationship meaning is turned into flings, PUBG ban is given more importance than inflation, banning TIKTOK is much more important than giving employment.
People took a stand for years to get independence and we don’t even have the patience at least for one day to talk about it.
Ignoring society’s problems will just make us blind and lead us to the worst roads.